Works completed:
Our clients were ready to update this original bathroom in a beautiful art deco block of units. The original layout had a bath with shower over & the WC facing a different direction. The plan was to remove the bath & build a walk-in shower in its place. The WC position was also orientated to make the space feel larger. Our client knew exactly how she wanted the bathroom to look which had a retro black & white feel with stylish gold taps & accessories The newly renovated bathroom fit perfectly in line with the style of the building.
Project scope:
- Full bathroom strip-out.
- Re-positioning of WC by accessing external plumbing stack.
- Install drainage to have hidden waste pipe to laundry.
- New water service piping.
- Install hot water pump in ceiling to improve pressure of Hot water.
- Reposition of gpo, new switching & install of new ceiling fan.
- Painting services.